
Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's my Birthday Give-A-Way

Sunday is my Birthday- -Happy Birthday Lisa-
For my Birthday, I'm having a Give Away, a real cool ( IMHO) Give-A-Way
For several years now my girls and I have been making Domino Jewelry. Mostly necklaces, pins and bracelets. The bracelets are the hardest because you have to drill the holes (2) and the drill is small... and well a pain.
I have some left over bracelets from a craft fair....and.... ONE OF THEM CAN BE YOURS!!!

SO, just leave me a comment and you'll be entered!
I will have the RANDOM COUNTER pick a number Monday morning, because of course I'll be celebrating my birthday into the wee hours (10pm) on Sunday night. Good Luck--- and since I only have 16 followers (several who are out the country and I don't know how they found me....) You have a GREAT CHANCE OF WINNING A COOL, Talk Of The Town bracelet.

(some bracelets are smaller, 7" and 8") oh yeah, and let me know which one you like the best!
blue shells (7) Ivy (8)
music(8) duck(7)
Sleeping Beauty (8) dragonfly (7)
Lavender (7) Cards (7)
Butterfly (8) music (8)
old fashioned roses (8)


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOOOOOU! We've been celebrating birthdays here too. It's both my father-in-;aw and sister-in-laws special day.
    Your bracelets are so neat. I am in LOVE with the blue music swirly one. Numeral 8. Perfect for me because I play the flute!

  2. First of all, happy birthday! Secondly, ALL of these bracelets are very cool. And third, I like the seashell one best of all!


  3. Happy Birthday Lisa!

    How sweet of you to do a giveaway for your birthday! Your bracelets are BEAUTIFUL!

    I can't believe we will be in Hawaii at the same time. I'll be near Lahaina...if you're anywhere close to that and would like to meet me!

    Happy Birthday Hugs to you!

  4. the music one and the "old fashioned roses (aren't they cherry blossoms? or was that a different stamp?)" are my favs... the shells are pretty too... Happy bday momma! (on sunday)

  5. Well, I like the cards and the fairies best. And how nice of you to do a your birthday giveaway! Love you mom, call me if you get your present early.

  6. Happy birthday! I honestly have no idea how I ended up at your blog - don't you just love stumbling upon something new? The Lavender bracelet is darling. Did you draw those?

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EARLY, CHA CHA CHA! i love the turquoise braclet, second from the bottom. your crafitness never ceases to amaze me. so many beautiful pieces! pick me, random picker, PICK ME!

  8. Happy's to you for the birthday and me that my lucky number gets picked - at which point I'll select the bracelet.



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