
Sunday, November 15, 2009

My latest project

Its been great to have a weekend to create.
We have a new store in town, a recycled goods store, people bring their old construction stuff and since it is a non-profit store things are pretty cheap. I saw these signs and wanted to make some (since I only have 3,000 of the tags)
for the lettering I used the tags, then cut a a little strip of colored/printed paper and glued it on the bottom I distressed it using ... what else... distressed ink (love it!!)
I found some stick on letters ... only they were blue, so I just felt tip painted them!

I got two pieces of wood. One is actually a cabinet door, and the other is molding.
I originally painted them ivory but later painted them black, then a red, then black again.
here the wood is painted black, then red, then black top coat.
I sanded the black so some of the red would show thru.. and some of the white showed thru too. All in all it was a LOT of trouble for something that wasn't too visible behind the tags. I placed the tags evenly ... and hammered in upholstery finishing nails .. but if I had it to do over I would tape or use adhesive spray so that the tags would stay in place.
Pretty snazzy if I do say so myself!!
I decided to add some torn "scraps" to the wire. The other one doesn't have a wire (yet) I was going to use it on a easel but?? don't know if that works for me. It looks great on a wall. I am thankful! and I hope that seeing this can make me MORE aware of all the blessings in my life and help me to be a little more ... thankful and appreciative for my joys in life.


  1. i love the look of this lisa! my house is lacking in thanksgiving decor, that's for sure.

  2. ooh! that turned out really cute! (worth missing a meeting for ;) )

  3. You never cease to amaze me. I can't believe you turned those ingredients into this darling sign.

    Sheesh, woman!



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