
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday Wisdom

Some people can take an ordinary day, and swirl a ribbon of happiness around it,
making a gift for all who pass their way

don't you just love those people!!!


  1. this makes me want to get my visiting teaching done. not sure why, but i'm all inspired now;-) thanks!

  2. Thanks I needed that! And yes, I do love those people.

    Thank you for your wonderful comment sweet friend, I just adore you!

    Love and hugs,

  3. I think you are one of those people! Thanks so much for the pumpkin treat that you brought by our home Sunday evening. It was delicious - not too pumpkin-y at all. We loved and it the boys especially loved it - They ate it up over the course of a couple of days!! You are so sweet to think of us!

  4. Those really look neat! I've never seen anything like them. And your quote is perfect.



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