
Monday, November 9, 2009

weekend projects

There are not enough hours in a day NOR are there enough days off during the week!!!!

I have been trying to get my craft room cleaned.. (along with the rest of the house) and in order to SEE the mess (ok the mess is obvious) I needed more light.
First my before and after shot.... This was an old "spice" rack at the thrift shop for a dollar.
after, a GREAT ribbon holder (all the ribbons on the bottom row were $1.00 at a florist shop going out of business.) I just spray painted it black. Black my new favorite color.

Now on to -- let there be light-- I got this at Home Depot in OR... and Mr. Produce wired it for me while I was at church...(and yes I could make all sorts of references to Light and goingtochurch but I'll let that be for now)
Let There Be Light
yum halogen lights!!
Then for over the desk... to lighten up my paperwork.... found this Saturday at a garage sale for 5.00....
oh yeah, I need my light.


  1. You are so clever, Lisa. Seriously.

    I love these.


  2. i'm VERY impressed:-) i organized my pantries for the 5 millionth time. i'm feeling pretty good about that!

  3. Love the ribbon holder...what a great idea!

  4. What a great idea for an old spice rack. You see those all the time at thrift stores. I'm working on organizing my office right now. Whew, what a task!


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