
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Just what's out there in the bloggin world- Sue's news,Views 'n Muse

I love shareing places in blogville where we can all be inspired.
There are always SO many places to go and read, and look and experience... and share.
I'd like to share one of my favorate places, my BF Sue:

Her blog is always full of inspiration and information that makes you stop and think, whether it is about spiritual things, family things or American Idol (or so you think you can dance..) She has a wonderful gift for writing. This week Sue is having a contest.

I also want to copy a bit from one of my favorite posts of hers..... about being a mother, a mother of adult children and about that "empty nest" thing.
I have this quote on my wall and it is such a bittersweet idea that it makes me happy and sad at the same time. Especially at holidays when I know my kids have their own families and other places they need to be:

Apparently, the empty nest is a syndrome from which I will never entirely recover. My life has many good things in it, fulfilling things––to say nothing of my wonderful husband-–but none of these quite fills the space or satisfies the longing for those golden days when every one of our children lived under one roof...when our family was always complete, not just in emotional bonding but in physical presence.

Don't get me wrong. I'm happy that my children have grown and thrived and developed their own lives apart from mine. And yet, that particular victory of parenting is bittersweet. One of the ironies of raising and nurturing our young successfully is that we, in the doing of it, lay the groundwork for our own obsolescence. Or maybe I should say relative obsolescence. I'm very much aware that I am anything but obsolete in my children's lives. Having said that, my former role has seen its day.

On almost every level, this pleases me.

But it pains me, too. And that's the truth of it.


  1. Thanks so much, Lisa. It made me feel great to know that you enjoy the blog to the extent you do. This really means a LOT to me. In fact, you have made my Christmas Eve. Seriously! Reading this has been like a little gift.


  2. Oh I so relate. My daughter just graduated from high school and will be heading to college next year. An empty nest is in my future - soon!


  3. aww.. that one made my cry.
    sorry we live so far, mom.
    maybe when our "rich uncle" gets out of the poor house, huh??

  4. Two of my children have left home within the last couple of months. One day, while making pancakes, I burst into tears over making the mixture as I only had to double the recipe instead of triple it. It's the small things.


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