
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday Wisdom

Mr. Produce thinks I'm crazy when I talk about my blog friend Sue or my blog friend Karyn..... but i do feel a connection with all my blog friends. I follow several blogs are so enjoyable to read and glimpse a part of their lives that they feel comfortable enough to share.
Cathy, here, who is an amazing graphic artist make the above sentiment. She is first so talented and second very generous with sharing all sorts of art and crafts and even a fun and yummy birthday celebration ice cream cake. She announced her brothers unexpected death last week and I still can't help feeling so sad for her.

Blog friends are real friends. They share all sorts of stuff, good and bad, thoughtful and yummy and newsworthy.

I love my blog friends.


  1. I'm glad that we can keep in touch this way, since I don't see you as often as I used to. I love all of your words of wisdom and cute, crafty ideas.

  2. so funny how they become true friends in real life.

  3. Hi Lisa,

    I adore you and Cathy is right...Blog Friends are real Friends! Even if I never lay eyes on you, I am grateful for the inspiration, words of wisdom and the support I feel. I am so grateful and honored to call you friend!

    I'm so sorry to hear that Cathy's brother passed away, I'll have to pay her a visit!

    Love and hugs sweet friend,

  4. Just found your post. How thoughtful of you to share my blog and recent story. I am slowly healing and have been so greatly touched by blog friends around the world. Thank you.

  5. That is so true... Blog friends are real friends! :)


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