
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Food Fun Friday on Saturday-Tuscan Chicken Simmer

This was so surprisingly good I had to share.
I had marinated some (6) chicken breasts and grilled them up to use in all sorts of recipes during the week. I found this recipe (thanks Megan) and yum yum

Tuscan Chicken Simmer

4 boneless boneless chicken breast halves (I used a large hand full of cut up cooked chicken)
4oz cream cheese, cubed
1/4 C water
1/4 C pesto
2 cups grape or cherry tomatoes
1 C Italian Cheese (I used Parm cheese)

HEAT large nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium-high heat. Add chicken; cover. Cook 5 to 7 min. on each side or until done. Remove chicken from skillet; cover to keep warm.

ADD cream cheese, water, pesto and tomatoes to skillet. Cook, uncovered, on medium heat 2 min. or until heated through, stirring occasionally.

RETURN chicken to skillet. Cook and stir 1 min. or until chicken is coated and heated through. Sprinkle with shredded cheese

Serve with noodles, spaghetti etc.


  1. My mouth is watering. I haven't had lunch yet because we just got home from a funeral, so you caught me at my weakest moment with this one!


  2. ooh that does look good! but i dont have any pesto... hmmm...


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