
Monday, January 4, 2010

The new year has started...and it's goodbye

January 2010... and after a much too brief visit, our recently GRADUATED Kieri bids us Adieu!
I can't believe she was here for 2 weeks. Although the first week she was in such a "thesis" daze it didn't really count. We had a great time, vegging, and watching movies, and taking nana for shopping dates and vegging some more! We miss you already.
Now she is off to the real world to find a job! and become an active member of tax paying society! Visions of cover letters, interviews and resumes dance in her head. It's not going to be a walk in the park... jobs aren't easy to come by.. but she has always had a lucky streak and I know that there is something out there... it will take time, but that gives her something to do- ha
bye Kieri, come back soon, and maybe if WE are lucky, you'll find a job here in Washington!!!!!!!

In other events ... I got a blackberry curve.... and after a week of tutorials, and study and a phone call to Verizon..... I LOVE IT... it truly is the Internet at my fingertips. So here goes another time waster.... but at least I'll look cool.

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