
Sunday, January 24, 2010


Today I had to clear the cob-webs out of my brain, dust off the ole' acting skills and give a talk at church.

My favorite quote: (because as you know I LOVE 'EM) and (I love Em too, hi Em!)

Certainly what we are is more important than what we have or what is said of us.

Marvin J. Ashton

second favorite:
regarding Spiritual Identity Theft..... I am talking about something much more basic and more important than who the world thinks you are. I am talking about who you think you are.
Robert C. Oaks


  1. Great quotes, and I bet it was a great talk, too.


    PS. My hubby gave a talk, too. And my son in his ward. It was a big day for us, I guess.

  2. hi lisa!
    sean had to give a talk to the ym for ward conference. his was more on the morality line of things. he said he was sweating bullets. haha. but blammed it on the 80 degree room on the stage where he was giving his talk. love the last quote.

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