
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Introducing, Carson Bradley

For those of you who have followed me at all or visited before, you know that my daughter was having my first grandchild.
HAD my first grandbaby.
It was not easy, (short story)
Wanted a home birth, at 40weeks and 4days baby had not dropped, though the sonogram showed he measured REALLY big (weight and circumference) TOO big and too high to give birth at home... or vaginally so a C section was scheduled.
1. the cord was wrapped around his neck twice, and tight.
2. He weighed 9lb 12oz and 23inches long
3. he has a pretty big head that was pretty hard to get out (even by C section) both doctors were drenched in sweat by the time the delivery was over.
Baby Carson is here, he has 10 fingers and 10 toes and is sweet (although in the above picture I think he had some gas... or Nana was taking FAR to many pictures with and without flash).
Mom & Dad are doing fine too!!!

Remember to enter my Blog Anniversary Give Away ........Here..........
not too many people have entered so there's a good chance to win this Fun book.


  1. Whoo hoo! Congrats Grandma! :) He is way cute! And hey, they were only a lb off...thats not too bad. Hope everything goes great!

  2. Congratulation!!! I'm so glad things went well. He is an absolutely gorgeous baby!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!! You must be so proud - what a beautiful baby. I'm glad everything went well and that mom and baby are doing fine.

  4. Glad everything "came out" okay! Especially that cute boy!! He looks so good, if he'd been around a couple of weeks already.

    Not quite what your daughter planned delivery-wise, I know, but it sounds like it's lucky they did a c-section. Hope her recovery is smooth and quick. I'm sure it will be.

    Congratulations, Grandma!


  5. What a blessing you have there!! Congratulations on that new grandbaby!


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