
Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Blog Anniversary!

Today I have had my blog for one year.
I had visited other "blogs" but not really understood the ins and outs... well I am still learning.
I have "met" so many great and creative and inspirational people.

For my anniversary I am having a give away!
I got this book for Christmas (from myself) and I would like to give away another copy to one of you lucky people!!!! (you read that right, ANOTHER copy, I'm not sending you my dog eared, marked up copy!!)

All you have to do is leave a comment answering this question?
What do you look for in a blog to become a follower....

lots of crafts?
lots of inspirational photos?
lots of recipes?
lots of quirky info about my life (quirky?)
interesting tidbits I find thru my blog-surfing?

what what what ...... I need to know.......

* * * * * * all you have to do is leave a comment. I will choose a Winner on Sunday February 7th at 10pm.
It could be you, and this really cool, creative, interesting, informative, eye-candy book can be yours!!!!
and I'm off to a second year of AN EVEN BETTER BLOG!!!


  1. Regifter. lol
    I'm new to blogging so would love to win! Great idea.
    Looks like we like many of the same things. I'll be back!

  2. Forgot what I like. Okay, i haven't forgotten what i like, just forgot to leave it.
    I like crafts and home decorating and things you find that are your favorites; butter, pantyhose, snow shoes, etc.

  3. quirks. definitely quirks. :) but that's bc you're my mom!
    i like lots of a) funny stories and b) awesome things to make or eat. when blogs have those things, i follow away!

  4. I think it's the personality of the blog that draws me in...not so much the content, but how it's presented and the "feel" of the person presenting it.

    Some blogs just feel like "home" to me, and those are the ones I like best.


  5. Strange I came over here to say hello and noticed that I was not on your followers list but I just knew I was so maybe i joined twice now. lol
    Anyway glad I stopped by because I love your giveaway and congrats on blogging for a year. I have not made it yet to that but hopefully I will one day.
    Thanks for giving me a chance to win this

  6. Kindred spirits...or I just read too many Anne of Green Gables :) i'm sending you guys BABY COME OUT vibes :D


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