
Friday, August 24, 2012

Finally in Arizona

Well we finally made it to Arizona.  It has been a long and painful two year process.  The saga continues full of lumps and bumps along the way.  I am exhausted physically and emotionally.  I am going to have to have a serious bloggy hiatus to concentrate on this household move, my mother, my new job and find another part time job.

This certainly isn't what I expected, but I guess life never is what you expect.

Here's to the future, hoping it is full of creations, and family times and happy memories.  I'll start back up when things are a little better around here.... I've got some fun things rolling round my brain to blog about.


  1. Hi Lisa, I hope that things works out well for you. Take it one day at a time and all will be well.

    I blogged once in July and just did two post this week. Life can really get hectic and I understand. I'll miss you. Take care and stay well. Hugs. JB

  2. I will keep all of you in my prayers and look forward to "seeing" you soon!


  3. did the house finally sell? oh I am glad you are where you want to be..can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve in the future..have a great weekend.;)

  4. Ahhh Lisa, the joys of being uprooted and starting again in a new place. The bumps will get smoother and all the hard work will be worth it making your house a home. Take care & will look forward to future posts!

  5. Honey you have been on my mind so often wondering how things are going for you in your new home.
    I pray your well and that you have settled in and your not still mentally and physically exhausted.
    Miss you sweet friend and do come back to blogging when you can.
    Love ya


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