
Monday, November 19, 2012

NOT under control

I am still not able to get this life under control and blog consistently, yep... being pulled in too many directions.  Not a complaint, just a fact.
I did want you all to know that I had an experience last Friday that makes me fully aware that I am in Arizona.
Yep saw me one of them scorpions... in the bathroom... a large one, scorpion, not bathroom.
I ran like crazy.

Welcome to Arizona Lisa.


  1. oh that would take some getting used to..not..would never want to see a scorpian..well we have the rains today..holy cow...hasn't stopped..rain puddles..hate is your weather? have a great thanksgiving and send us some sunshine.;)

  2. Oh Lisa, I would not be able to sleep worrying about one of those creature coming in the house. I hope that you have some remedy just in case someone would get stung or bitten by one of those.

    Stay safe,

  3. Have you seen any tarantulas yet??? Just be warned.....they can 4 feet high!!! Yeah, I know! CREEPY Southwest living! They don't show THESE things in the brochures!

    Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. And that, my friend, is why I do not live in Arizona. Just plain chicken, I am.



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