
Friday, March 19, 2010

craft class help with table decorations out of Sheet Music

We had a fun Craft class Tuesday AND I got them to help me make table decorations for the big RS/Ward dinner last night.
First, as you know because I've taken so many pictures of them, I have been over-the-top making flowers lately.

I came across a great blog from Suzanne, and she offers to send you a PATTERN to make the flowers.... Thanks Suzanne from Just another hang up
well I emailed her and she emailed me back the pattern and it was GREAT... so I used her pattern to make these sheet music Flowers.. (that's her pattern in the bright white)
I just traced and cut them out of the music. (I did use all 6 pieces of the pattern)
on each 'petal' I folded them diagonally and then again:
I piled them on top of each other, in order, and stuck a thick needle through the center. That made enough room for the brad to stick through. After that I crumpled them up a little bit more... very artistically!
I didn't really like the look of the gold brad, so I glued a black button on top of the brad.
We made a ton of them... so for each table I put old sheet music down the center and then 'litterd' the table with music flowers. Every once in a while I did use a burlap bow.
cool huh?
Have I mentioned that we have a TON (3/4) of seniors at church so I thought they would get a kick out of all the old music and old actors on the covers.......
and I even found an old sheet music with Rudy Vallie's autograph
ok that Lime green table cloth has GOT TO GO.
and when its plastic... do you still call it a table 'cloth'?


  1. I LOVE those. I think you need to have a giveaway on your blog and make me the winner...


  2. Thanks so much for letting giving me a heads up so I could see these beautiful creations! Love the paper you used. I imagine it was a wonderful night! Thanks again.
    - Suzanne
    Just Another Hang Up

  3. Those are super duper cute!! I am a crafty girl and also the Act. Committee chairman at church (aka throws all the parties :D) So I really appreciate when someone goes all out like this!!
    Just fabulous!!!!!

  4. It looks very cool mom. I hope your party went well!


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