
Thursday, April 15, 2010

blogville- Be different Act Normal

There never seems to be enough time!! Even though I don't have kids running around, working full time seems to be a GIANT KINK in my creative time! (guess we all have to work ...ah... a post for another time)

What I'm getting at is I appreciate a short and sweet and informative blog. This one has it all. Be Different Act Normal here

They take the time to search out all things cute, crafty and yummy!!!! (there is one today: Chocolate Carmel Shortbread) AND they post a couple times a day. If you like it you follow the link and see how it's done. LOVE IT. I've gotten many a good recipe or even craft ideas. AND a couple of times I've found other blogs I like.. That is the good&bad of Blogville. THERE are so many great blogs out there and just not enough time!

Another blog I've talked about before here is by Sue.

I can say that she is my blog friend. I'll even ask her questions AND SHE RESPONDS. She is a fabulous inspirational writer and can quickly judge American Idol and SYTYCD with wit and common sense that is spot on.

I still have one of her posts on my wall... its the one about empty nest syndrome.. LOVE IT
ANYWAY she is up to her 500th post and is having a CONTEST... so ya gotta go over and take a look-see... but don't worry, I'm pretty lucky when it comes to her contests (I've won her book! (yes she's written AND PUBLISHED several) and I've won a special CD collection AND I won a photo shoot from her daughter-in-law (that I gave to my daughter and new grandson).

go see her here


  1. Thanks, Lisa! It was worth having a giveaway just to read your very kind words about my blog. (I knew you'd been lucky in the past, but I didn't know just how MANY times you've won. Your luck rocks!) Which seems appropriate for such a good blog buddy.


    PS. On my way right now to check out "Be Different, Act Normal." I already like the name...

  2. I already follow and read both of the blogs - Both very very good ones!! You have great taste my dear!


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