
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm semi=famous

Hey, I’m Semi-Famous!

One of my blog friends in Texas, Maggie, asked me to write about my life. (she does this fun cool segment every week where she has people she’s met-blogging- write about their life.) It took me a couple of weeks to get something together and LOOK she actually liked it and posted it today. And I’ve already made a new blog friend!!! (hi Shely)

Thanks Maggie for the opportunity to branch out and try my writing skills and share our Love story

you can find it here


  1. Hey girl this Ozarks farm chick just popped over from Miss Maggie's place. I just read your wonderful love story. I'm just tickled pink that you are blessed with a wonderful Hubby.

    From the happy hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa, ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!

  2. I'd never heard your quite romantic love story before, and I enjoyed both the writing and the content very much.

    Thanks for sharing!


  3. Well look at Thats cool. Hey, thanks for the bunnies. Claire loved it, she does come from a long line of chocoholics on her maternal side :) See you Sunday! It's been a long time :)

  4. Hi Lisa, I've popped over from Maggie's blog to say hello!
    I loved your beautiful story!! Such a wonderful outcome after your heartbreak! Thank you for sharing!

  5. That is how I found you too! I LOVE Maggie dearly & any friend of Maggie's is a friend of mine :) Thanks for sharing your love story...I do love a good love story. So glad you shared today!

    Take care!

  6. Aw I came over here to tell you that I had posted your story today but you already know. haha
    Thank you for the sweet post and recognition. I love doing these stories and it brings others to some that might never meet otherwise.
    Hey maybe my next project should be blog match making....hahaha

  7. That is so cool! You are famous!!! Congrats :D

  8. Thank you for the wonderful story !! I miss you aunt LIsa!!!!


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