
Saturday, May 29, 2010

I scored at the Garage Sales

disclaimer: I live in a small town where 65% of the population is over 65. There are a LOT of yard sales ...reasons: downsizing/death/moving/to make friends. Most garage/yard/estate sales are on Friday, I can only go on Sat.
I went over my Garage Sale Budget but I found a great find...
A beautiful CROWN, in it's own little carrying case!!!! WAY COOL. I love crowns. (right Shelly?) I often tell my girls to call me the Queen Mum, hahaha, not really. But I do love crowns and have a couple charms of crowns and an old Christmas decoration that is a crown.. and well... I just HAD to get this one yesterday. The lady said that it belonged to a friend of hers.. well I'm just going to make up the story that the wear-er was crowned Miss Lavender Patch!
Other scores were: 2 lamps for one dollar... and (I know you'll be shocked) ANOTHER crockpot, just a baby one this time, and some cool 3d pictures for 25cents a piece.

Oh YEAH, just call me the Queen of Cute.


  1. AWESOME finds!! Seriously? A crown? LOVE it!!!


  2. that crown is really neat!!! that could be a tree topper..oh and that little crock could hold your bees wax for dipping all sorts of things..that's what I use mine for...;) when I make those salt dough cookies..I dip them in my little crock..oh and "you look Mavleous dahling"..have a good rest of your weekend.;)

  3. Okay,,,,,hand over that Tiara and NO ONE GETS HURT!
    That is to DIE FOR!!! Can't you take a Friday off sometime in the near future and take me garage sale hoppin'?????
    I have to come over and check out your neck of the woods,,,and as mentioned your welcome to the "red carpet treatment" here missy!!!

    Egads,,,,if it rains ANYMORE I am going to lose my PNW Native MIND! Hopefully it'll be at least DRY in Spokane next weekend for Farm Chicks, if not SUNNY!!!

    You know I want that Tiara girlfriend,,,,and you'd best be sending it my way if you know whats good for you!!!

    Enjoy our soggy weekend!!!
    Hugs and Love,

  4. where;s the pic of you at work? it was so cute!

  5. You are definitely the garage sale queen!


    PS. And now, you have proof...

  6. How funny you are the Queen of Cute!
    Wish I could look that good taking a close up of me..hahaha
    Miss coming by here but wanted to check in on you.
    Great bargains you managed to take away with you. Wish I lived in your area so I could go with you. If I can ever get out of this house again I will feel like a million dollar cutie
    It would be great to have a crown to put in my box tomorrow to send to the winner of my giveaway but that is not something I found out at Warrenton.
    Hope you entered I will be drawing in the morning

  7. I absolutely LOVE the crown! And the lamps, too!

  8. Love. It. Every Mom should own one!
    Now I know what I'm on the look out for this weekend!
    I needs it.


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