
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Garage Sale Find: Turquoise Lamp

disclaimer: I live in a small town where 65% of the population is over 65. There are a LOT of yard sales ...reasons: downsizing/death/moving/to make friends. Most garage/yard/estate sales are on Friday, I can only go on Sat.This was such a beautiful lamp.. It is heavy as it is out of iron. It has a little rust.. so I say that it is already distressed.

ok it came with this GIANT drum lampshade... hahaha makes me laugh!!! the lamp shade (ala the '60's) even has bands of turquoise !!! You can bet I'll be looking for a different shade!!!


  1. it is a neat lamp though..but you are screams 60's..kind of art deco..) have a great weekend..we are supposed to get sun today.:)

  2. What fun it would be to redecorate THAT lamp shade with all kinds of fabulous laces/beads/trims/etc. You outta give it a try.
    Love the lamp.

    Have a beau-TEA-ful weekend.
    TTFN , Hugs, Marydon

  3. I love the lamp. Hope you will share more pictures when you replace the shade. Hugs

  4. With a different shade, that thing is gonna be GREAT.



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