
Monday, July 19, 2010

WHAT? The weekend is over???

Man that was fast! 48 hours I'll never see again! They were busy hours too... but gone too fast for my liking.
The Lavender Festival has also come and gone. Millions of people (ok, not millions) but Thousands of people invaded our town to see purple. These are just a couple of shots I took at the end of day on Saturday. They were as close as I wanted to get.. because if I really wanted to I could go to these farms any time (although they don't always have live bands, and craft booths and famous cheifs making gormet food)
Here is Purple Haze, which is just down the road and messes up MY travel time.
(you may remember this same view last fall for this is where the elk love to roam)
And Olympic Lavender farm:
ok, that's enough Lavender/Purple for the year.
Saturday is always a run run run day... I usually start it out by doing my grocery shopping at about 7:30am. Then on to garage sales. Then back home to have lunch ready for Mr. Produce at 10am, then clean-laundry-yard stuffs.. then take my mother where she needs to go.. THEN... IF THERE IS TIME before Mr. Produce comes home at 3pm, I try to fit my creating time in.
There was not much time for that on Saturday. But I did find some things I could "re-purpose"
I have had this beautiful turning rack for quite a while. I used it in my shop, and then at craft fairs. I tried once to sell it on craig's list and a garage sale or two, but no takers. It has been sitting over in my mother's garage.
When I had the bright idea to take my paper supplies out of the box and display them and maybe I would be inspired--- to make tags, or cards or journals or pictures or one of them-there collages I see so much of:
And then I remembered these 'holders' I have used for years... just sitting on top of my amour gathering dust:
ahhhh a ribbon holder!
I also had a little visitor, see him?
ok, here's a better view?
Mr. frog. My supervisor is DEATHLY afraid of frogs, I mean more than creeped out, really truly afraid of frogs. Snakes I get, mice I get, spiders I get, but she really really is "run screaming" and "don't you dare even mention them" afraid of frogs.
hmmmm, wonder if I brought him to work as a pet if I'd get fired?
(probably screamed at! ha)


  1. I think that's a cute little frog and, apparently, a patriotic one.

    I love your re-purposing ideas.


  2. love the photos shared of the lavender farm..I was on the show taste of ? not sure of the name..but it was on the lavender festival site and I was on their film..didn't know either till I watched it and there I was..answer to your question..the show I did was on bainbridge is called the christmas house..they have a blog now..her regular season starts the weekend after thanksgiving..they have lots of wonderful stuff....been going for 31 years I is the address:
    have a good one;)

  3. What a clever little ribbon holder!

    That frog is a silly little guy. It doesn't seem like a good perch to me.

  4. I loved this post. Just so cute, busy, like you. Miss you Mom!


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