
Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's my Go-Do-It-All day

Let me tell you that working for a living stinks! Work is a four letter word. Hey, it's my cranky week remember!!!
Yep stinky stink stink.

ok, now that I've got that off my chest... I can move on...

BECAUSE it is Saturday... MY day. My day to Clean the house, do all the laundry, Water and pick up the yard, cook for the week, grocery shop,

AND THEN hit a couple of garage sales and then try and MAKE stuff!!

This week the highlight was having lunch with a fun - fun - fun - blog friend and her sister-in-law and another blog friend and her sister!!!

I met them for lunch because.. that's right I was working! I felt immediately at home, and was totally enthralled with all the energy and enthusiasm and creativity AND knowledge these ladies have and did I mention CrAzY fUn ensued! and with so much talking and ideas and shared knowledge flowing... the time went so quickly! They went shopping and I went back to work..


Me, Mary sister-in-law that lives in the next town over and shopper extraordinaire, Peggy who just retired (YEA! .. now that's the way to GO!!! Retired and Lovin' it!!) Debbie who has THE most WONDERFUL job as she is an Antiques dealer and is so creative and LOVES people and creates so many beautiful displays for her shows and has the most beautiful items and ideas on her blog.. and then there is the famous Snohomish Shelly- a onewoman show of excitement*love*craziness*beautiful crowns*ideas AND a great blog full of ideas and party's she's been to and all her creative ventures (and believe me there are many) and caring information. Can you tell I enjoyed myself? yep, so great

ok, we're burning daylight folks..... and .. I'm off

my rocker


  1. Awwww too cute mis kranky! LOL I've got to go to work TODAY, does that make you feel better?

    Love and hugs, had a BALL!


  2. you make me giggle everytime I come to your blog...what do you do for a living? and I agree with you about work..I am much better at home..:) you all look like you had alot of fun..Iam going to check out their blogs now..) I hope you get all that you need accomplished done and that you get to do some fun stuff as well..;) have a great weekend.:)

  3. Thank you for the chuckle! I need to pop in to Joyworks and "meet" Miss Shelley properly!

  4. So wonderful to meet you, Lisa! Peggy and I both feel we've somehow met you before . . . .

    It was all over way too quickly. Don't feel bad about the shopping--we didn't do much, as Shell and I had to head back to catch the ferry. I'm still feeling so good about the serendipitous moment we all shared. Now that's living!!

    BTW, it took me two long years to get accustomed to Bellingham after living in my favorite place on earth--Portland, Oregon--for 23 years. I just had to *let go* and experience what was in front of me. Much better now!!

    Thanks for all your nice comments . . . please feel free to comment on my blog too! Hope to see you again, Lisa!!

    xo Debi


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