
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blogville-saving money & loving life

It is time for another coupon-freebie-money saving- etc site.
I love this one, it is REALLY well rounded....
so here's just a few of the latest posts:
recipe for Chicken tarts:
and coupons etc for:


so follow and get all the latest Money Saving coupons and advice... well worth the effort!


  1. I will have to pass this on to my daughter, she loves these coupons etc.
    Have a great day!!
    PS, thanks for the visit!!

  2. Her blog looks pretty helpful. I'm going to tell my daughter and DIL about it.



  3. Great idea and boy do I need to start clipping the coupons again. This not working two jobs is not good for the pocketbook.
    Love your pictures of Carson at the pool. How darling is he and it would be hard not fill pages and pages with him as the center of attention.
    Thanks for the sweet comment you left me about the blogger lady leaving me the crazy email. I don't get it either but it takes all kinds to make this world go round I suppose. lol
    Have I ever told you that every time I see your photo on my comment section I would think by now that I would be use to seeing it but everytime I see it sure enough it makes me giggle.
    Love ya

  4. I don't think I'm destined to be a full-time crafter--too impatient! The "spider-web" was just a white basket I have outside in the yard (thought it would look like a web for the photo . . . guess it worked!).

    Take care, Lisa!


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