It is very painful thinking of him. He died in 1988 at the young age of 62. It was devastating for our family. He was EVERYONE's friend. He was a People person. He was eccentric and loved being eccentric. He couldn't get names straight.. Larry, Gary, Terry, Barry. He played the trumpet in all sorts of bands for his entire life, even up to the day he died. When he would make my sister's lunch he would include a little something extra... like a screw driver or stapler for her to carry around the rest of the day. When he died, my mother was crushed and believed that no one would ever visit her again because he was the reason they came over.
Yep ..... still painful. The grandkids missed out on not knowing him and having someone to count on for extra support.
ok on a happier note. here's my cute husband with the twins at brunch today:
they are 3 peas in a pod!!
1 Wonderful People Who Commented:
What a great post about your dad. I loved reading it. And you've got three pretty cute guys there, too!
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