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Monday, July 20, 2009

I love yard sales

Not too many good yard sales, as the Lavender Festival was on and there were tens of thousands of people in town.!
I did find another bulletin board for my class tuesday (on dollar) and a bunny planter for my mother for ten cents and a basket of... you guessed it Christmas orniments for fifty cents... and ONE DOLLAR FOR A ROLL OF QUILT BATTING~~~~ and on Sat I found this so cute (unique) caraf for FREE, and..... yep Christmas orniments... for FREE and then great old aqua BALL canning jars for fifty cents each! (to add to my collection)

2 Wonderful People Who Commented:

Susan Anderson said...

This time, much as I love Christmas ornaments, I'm all about the carafe!


Em said...

i really love those aqua canning jars. A LOT.