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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Easy Roses out of sheet music

I needed a cute little flower for a gift tag- something
quick and easy...
cut a circle (or punch out a circle.) (any size really)
You will want to cut a spiral, (you don't want to draw it, just cut it free hand)
start at the end (that pointed end) and roll it up
You will roll it up and glue it to it's tail... but you'll need to roll it up tighter than in the picture above and below.
Then you can glue it anywhere...
free hand cut out a leaf- pinch it in the middle for a nice 'shape'
and then just glue it by the rose.. and 
Everyone will appreciate your little notes...
ta da

Party-ing up here:
Savvy Southern Style

4 Wonderful People Who Commented:

regan said...

That's fabulous! I love the sheet music idea! Beautiful! I'm picturing this as a different 'bow' on the tops of packages....with many flowers in a spray....like on a cake! I can't wait to do it! Thanks!

Susan Anderson said...

Cute! My mom would love that!!


Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Oh my...these are soooo dang cute...thanks for sharing them.


Unknown said...

i will have to try, so cute!