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Sunday, May 31, 2009

I love Vinyl

I love a good Vinyl! I got this off of Etsy, and it's from householdwords:
pretty cool. This is the wall I painted during the cold winter months, never did find a picture (s) to go on it.. and thought that this would make a great display... maybe I would add family pictures around the name. SO COOL
They really have stunning things, I also got 2 other vinyl's and I'm sure I'll take pic's of that too.

To answer Sue’s question….

I am not so good at “eyeballing” things so…
I used a lazer level and put a couple of medium pieces of tape on the wall where the black horizontal lines should go .
I measured the wall in half and put a piece of tape in the middle. I measured the vinyl and put a piece of tape in the exact middle.
When you peal off the backing paper, the vinyl is a little sticky so that holds it in place, making sure I got the horizontal lines straight against my medium pieces of tape. Pull the tape off and start rubbing the vinyl lettering… starting in the middle working out on one end then the other.

Ta da.

3 Wonderful People Who Commented:

The McEwans said...

Oooo nice. Thats what I want

Susan Anderson said...

I'm always afraid that I'll get it up crooked. How did you make sure it got positioned so well? As in straight and centered, I mean.

Lauren said...

Ooh! Mom! That is lovely!!! I need a house of my own to vinyl-ify with awesomeness.