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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our trip to Ruby Beach

This is a little slide show of our trip last weekend. Remember I told you I took over 244 pictures.. So I had to really cut out a lot. (last Monday was Forks) So we started out on our drive and came to Lake Crescent. The water was like glass.
Lake Crescent
Then after about an hour and a half (after Forks) we came to Ruby Beach. The is the view hiking down.
And after we hiked down we had to cross over all the logs to get to the beach. It was a beautiful sunny day with no wind (those days at the beach in the Pacific Northwest don't happen often)
self portrait... the rock i set the camera on was crooked

There were these 2 little girls playing in the muddy sand, so cute, ah youth.

There is a light house WAY out there.
Of course more logs... could this be the cliff that Bella jumps off of... no that's at second beach, that picture will be here on tomorrow's blog.

2 Wonderful People Who Commented:

Lauren said...

beautiful! nothing like that 'round here!

Susan Anderson said...

We are so lucky to live in this area! These are beautiful shots!!
