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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My long dark days in Iceland

Many of you don't know that I lived in Iceland for 3  l-o-n-g years.  We were stationed there, and once they get you on island, they don't let you leave.  I flew all the way to Iceland with an 18month and a 3yr old.  They were entertaining to say the least
They were fun, mostly indoor days of little kid stuff!  
The holidays are always special for kids, and the fact that we were in a different country made it all the better!
In Iceland you have...  The Yule Lads
They are 13 TROLLS that come down from the mountains to cause mischief in the towns!
They all have really funny expressions and names:
Pot scraper
 Window Peeper
 Meat Hook
and sausage swiper, and spoon licker, and candle beggar (who steals the children's candles) just to name a few.
Now a days they are dressed like Santa in red and white suits, and they GIVE things to children.  I remember being down town and a tall skinny Santa gave the girls candles.  But the stories are funnier when they are causing mischief!  and peeping in your window... and licking your spoons and scraping your pots!!!

We also used to put our shoes in the window for the trolls (as these Yule Lads are really trolls).  they would leave little candy if you were good or rocks or potatoes if you were bad.  One time Lauren got a potato in her shoe, but switched it out with Kieri's candy before she got up and exclaimed...."Kieri was bad so she got a potato"- she was a mischievous troll herself!

It really was a dark world up there... If you didn't get outside at 12noon for lunch, you wouldn't see the sun at all.  Of course it was a complete turn around in the summer.  Yes I much preferred the summer!

10 Wonderful People Who Commented:

Liz Mays said...

That was so much fun to hear about that! You're a lucky lady to have had that experience!~

The McEwans said...

Haha, that sounds fun. (Not the dark part) Hey, Sequim is a little better than that! Right? Hmm..you should just head on down to Arizona

Momza said...

I learned something today!
Thanks Lisalulu!
I'll have to share this with my yahoos!
What's the average temp year round in Iceland?

carmen said...

What FUN! I liked hearing about the little Yule Lads. The winters there are similar to winters in Anchorage - the sun only shines for a couple of hours in the afternoon. But the summers are wonderful and it's not uncommon to see families riding bikes to the park at 11pm...

Susan Anderson said...

How interesting! I had no idea, and I thank you for sharing this with us.

I think it would be hard to live without seeing the light that much. Especially with little kids!


Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

I know a gal that was stationed there and got 100% disability because of depression...how did you like living there?

Lauren said...

muah ha ha...
i think potlicker is going to come to our house tonight and put a rock in Ryker;s shoe. He barked at the baby when he got "too close" to his toy.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Hey honey what an interesting post. Wow I had no idea you lived there. So glad you are no longer there it would depress me.
Email me at grandmayellowhair@gmail.com and let me know if you got your surprise
Merry Christmas

Shell said...

Hi Sweet Lisa!
I read your blog yesterday and although I intended on sending you a BIT of Holiday Spirit anyway, I REALLY want to send you a little something!
Will you email me your addy again? My desk is a nightmare!! Can't find a G-Darn thingy!
Thanks, and Hugs,
Love you!

Em said...

wouldn't let you leave??? seriously?