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Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I don't know about you... but getting a good laugh always cheers me up.
OVER AT: http://sewmanyways.blogspot.com/
AS A MOTHER... YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOUR CHILD IS LISTENING.I Was Trying To Be Martha Before Martha Was Martha...

This is a story that might only be funny to a certain age group, but still funny none the less. If you are old enough to remember sanitary napkins that came with a belt and those waxed paper bags to throw them away in...you are my target group. All others will still enjoy! I know sanitary napkins??? Bear with me...it's a good one.
Here is a little background for the story. I am the youngest of 5 children, my father career military retiring in 1970, my mother the perfect base commander's wife and military hostess extraordinaire. Always hosting the perfect party even after they were out of the military.
Enter me...1973 or so, 8 or nine years old. My mom and dad were having a very big party. You know the fancy ones...china, crystal, silver and in the DINING ROOM. The table was mostly set and the guests were ready to arrive soon, but I wanted to help. What was the safest job my mom could give me..."Oh Karen, how about you put the cloth napkins on each plate".
Ooohhh!!! I was so excited to decorate each plate with a napkin. But wait...I remembered something my mom told me one time in the bathroom, "Oh honey, put those little bags back in the box, those are just for napkins"
Those pretty waxed blue bags are just for napkins. How perfect...and mom said they WERE for napkins. So up to the bathroom I went, gathered up a handful of the plain blue waxed bags from under the sink.
I carefully folded each napkin and placed it in it's very own special bag and then placed one on each plate. I think I still remember how excited I was when I finished.
I will end the story here with you just picturing the look on my mom's face when I called her in the dining room!!!
I think I was trying to be Martha, before Martha was even Martha.
I think I just made my mom laugh in heaven

3 Wonderful People Who Commented:

Susan Anderson said...

Okay, that is one of the funniest stories EVER! I bet your mom was completely cracking up.


Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

I have read this joke many years ago..and it still makes me laugh.;)

Anonymous said...

Very funny! Hugs