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Monday, March 14, 2011

breathe breathe breathe- at long last

Hello Blog friends... I know it's been too long since I last posted... but life is ... you know ... life
I am happy to report that my whirlwind cleaning-organizing-tidy-ing-packing-de-cluttering-painting-furniture moving time has finally realized two things:  Our house is for sale and my mothers house is for sale. 
I am breathing a little bit today- I don't say breathing easier because the adventure we are on is not easy, but it is an adventure.  First and foremost the adventure of: The State of Real Estate in 2011.

breathe breathe breathe
trying to breathe breathe breathe

Our adventure pales in comparison to one that MANY of you are going through (Japan, those who have lost a child,  life long disabilities)  My heart goes out to you.

We've certainly learned a lot and hopefully by keeping a 'glass half full' attitude we will be happier for this adventure!

Yes, my friends the signs are up and (trumpets sound...) let the house tours begin.  I am going to take pictures and take YOU on one tomorrow.  

These weeks have been busy and I missed you all, my blog friends, and as I try to explain to Mr. Produce, THEY ARE REAL FRIENDS, not figments of my imagination, right?  right?  yes, I know you are.  Thank you for hanging in there.

In these last couple of weeks I have realized  that I enjoy blogging, and while I really WANT it to be a craft blog, it is more of a family/mom/grandma/personal blog.  but hopefully I can share the fun creative things I have found along the way.  A sharing blog, and no I don't aspire to be one of the 7,000 follower blogs.  That is TOO much pressure.  Although... I will be looking for a part time job at the end of this adventure??? so ya never know!

THANK YOU FOR STICKING WITH ME!   and tomorrow YOUR Open House

8 Wonderful People Who Commented:

The McEwans said...

Welcome back! :) Good luck with your house, hoping for a quick sell for ya!

Momza said...

yea! you're back! you've been missed!

Susan Anderson said...

Glad to see you, Lisa! And I think your blog is definitely crafty AND family-oriented. Best of both worlds, if you ask me.


Covnitkepr1 said...

Love your avatar...simply love it.

I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

Oh I am happy you are done with all the tidying up stuff and now you can get both houses sold..I can't wait to see the open house tour..I love seeing them.;) glad your are back to blogging I have missed you;)

The Single Nester said...

Yes. Breathe. In and out. I do wish you luck in selling your home!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

It sounds like you've had a great deal on your plate!
I hope both sell FAST and for what you want.

I look forward to seeing the open house!

Liz Mays said...

Can't wait to see your tour, and I'm glad you're sticking with blogging!!!