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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bloggville: oh oh oh oh oh

Well this blog (website) is the gift that keeps on giving.  TONS of information for just about EVERYONE...and anything you are interested in!  totally
Of course I found it through:
(your surprised right?)
so, I'm going to list ALL the sites and just one of the rockin' idea/links they list.. because there are so many to look at my eyes are bulging out!

record wedding invitation
Then there is:
http://www.ohsweetbabies.com/ and here's a funny way to treat all your young birthday party attendees: here
Then you can flip to this page:
* there are so many ideas, I had a really hard time picking just one to show you... until this one...
chocolate raspberry kisses... oh have mercy I am smitten
Next page to show you is:

most of the ideas are about tea...  this one is cute: here
Now this one is right up my alley:
I've seen these before and they are sooooo cute and great gifts for ALL age groups: here
 Next up
and with our new healthy eating habits.. I still need to add more veggies and THIS just fits the bill:
desserts...vegetarian cooking... and VEGAN recipes.

so go carve yourself a block of time and enjoy all the ideas that 'oh' has to offer.

4 Wonderful People Who Commented:

Momza said...

Oh! Neat! I love trying new things!

Susan Anderson said...

Great work, Lisa. I'm especially interested in the healthy eating one, because I am really trying.




Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

loved them all but that little tea tag is too cute..:)

CB said...

OH MY!! Hee hee

Love them all!!!