What a cool site, I mean EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about food storage.
starting TODAY she is writing a series on back to basics:

Back to Basics Series Starts Wednesday, June 2nd
Don’t you hate trying to get into a new tv show in the middle of the seasons? You can feel completely lost…or at least like you’ve missed out! I feel sort of the same way about blogs since each week brings new posts and it can be hard to find and sort the old information. Well to alleviate any of that and to go over some good basics again, all summer long I’ll be starting over with the best of the best ways to learn how to start cooking with your food storage!What you NEED to know:
- There will be a video with EVERY post. (Honestly, I think this is the best part!)
- Posts will go in order from what you need to know to get started cooking with your food storage to more advanced concepts.
- Delicious recipes to try for each new concept you learn.
- …and FUN-It will be a fool proof way to get you and your family excited about cooking from scratch and food storage!
Back to Basics Series Starts Wednesday, June 2nd

1 Wonderful People Who Commented:
I need to check this out. My food storage situation is dismal.
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