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Thursday, January 6, 2011

bloggville- get buttoned up

This is such a wonderful site -Buttoned up-  
all about organization and such things....  
Such a good site it's hard to break away and write this blog! 
There are a ton of catagories like: 
organized  life,  essentials, every day life, life events, find your guru  (what????)
great stuff:  and MORE  like
Tips of the day:
and Cool Finds.... like....   The Allowance Manager:

and of course with a wedding coming up, i am drawn to life events.....  and what a great article.......
"Life is hectic. But when you throw a major life event like a wedding in the mix, it can get downright nutty. The logical question for practical and busy people is: how can I plan for a memorable wedding without it becoming all consuming?"

so for those of you having a wedding in the future read this: (Kieri that means you)
#1. Start a Binder

Go out and get a binder, preferably with tabs, and start tracking what you have done and what still needs to be done. Divide it into two main parts: one-third for what is really important and the other two-thirds for what you would like to do if life gives you that time. Next, divide both sections into subheadings: the church, the reception, clothes, pre-wedding events, etc. This might seem like a lot of work but extra time spent preparing will mean a lot less time later trying to remember everything. That way the 20 percent that is essential gets handled in plenty of time and then you can do any of the extras if and when life allows.

#2. Dedicate a Calendar
There will be a lot of dates to track so make your life easy by setting a calendar strictly for this event. This way the dates will jump off the page at you: put the deposit down for the hall; go in for first, second and last fitting, pick up mom and dad at the airport etc. Write the important dates with a sharpie and the rest with a pen. You should also set aside a pocket-size calendar to carry with you so that you can cross off items while you are out or add new ones as they come up; just remember to add them to the home-base calendar.
#3. Keep It All in Perspective
Every so often, take time to stand back from all the planning and remind yourself that as long as you and your husband look into each other’s eyes and say “I do” everything else is small potatoes. This is one of the happiest moments in anyone’s life and the days or times that you spend thinking about it should be happy too.

yes I think I am hooked on this site! 
especially when I have an hour to kill.
oh man is THAT a good one!!!!!

6 Wonderful People Who Commented:

Susan Anderson said...

You always manage to find the good blogs!


Anonymous said...

Hum, thanks for the link...I may just need to check that out. Hugs

Winchester Manor said...

I need all the organizational help I can get...thanks for the tip. I hope your year is off to a fabulous start Sweet Friend.

Liz Mays said...

I think I won a fun little organizer there once upon a time! I like that site!

CB said...

Wow this does look like something good to check out. Thanks for the link and the info.
Hope your day has been beautiful!

Home and Heart said...

Oh I NEED to be more organized!! It will take me ALL year! Goos tips for us all!