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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bloggville-crazy domestic

Crazy Domestic is a fun blog I read...
and where the guest poster Katie from food wine and modpodge  is the writer of this month's workshop:
I need to print that out and tape it to the wall and door of every room in my house!!!
Right now she is mostly talking about clothes- what to keep and what to LOSE- but I am taking her advice and using it throughout my house.

Crazy Domestic is thoughtful like that, they offer a monthly workshop,
 and Domestic Tips
 and they have Link Parties,
 I mean who doesn't like parties!!!! especially ones that you can attend in your jammies!!!! during the early morning hours... when you really should be getting ready for work and making lunches....ahem
I can't stop saying this!

3 Wonderful People Who Commented:

Susan Anderson said...

I have told a few people about this "Love it or lose it" line. And I've made some inroads in my house, too!


Momza said...

what is it about January that makes me want to rent a Uhaul and clean this house down to the bones?

Liz Mays said...

What a fun one. Thank you!